Filter Resources

Complete Calibration and Preventive Maintenance Service For Aqualab Water Activity Meter

Complete Calibration and Preventive Maintenance Service for  MeterFood’s Aqualab Water Activity Meter  Model includes : Pawkit, Aqualab 3, Aqualab Pre, Aqualab Series 4/TE/TEV, AQ3 and VSA Team Medical & Scientific Sdn. Bhd. (TMS) is the sole agent and licensed calibration service provider for MeterFood’s Aqualab Water Activtiy Meter. TMS Water Activity Meter Calibration and Preventive […]

How does germicidal UV light improve the indoor air quality ?

A brief history of germicidal UV light :  2014 outbreak of the Ebola virus and the recent spread of the novel coronavirus disease 2020 (COVID-19) have generated renew interest in germicidal ultraviolet (UV) lamps for disinfection. UV radiant energy was first used for disinfecting surfaces in 1877, then in water since 1910 and in air […]

Can HEPA Air Purifier Capture the Covid 19 Coronavirus ?

High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter is widely use in medical and industrial clean rooms to filter air particulate and capture air-borne pathogens.  In regarding to question, whether Air Purifier with HEPA filter is efficiently capture the virus that caused the COVID-19 virus, the answer is obviously – Yes. Evidences have showed that Covid 19 is […]

FAPAS White Papers : FAPAS Proficiency Testing From FERA

                The Benefits of taking part in International Laboratory Proficiency Testings This technical note describes the benefits to participant laboratories of taking part in international PTs and how to balance the cost and frequency with their national PT providers. Laboratories carrying out analysis for export purposes can compare […]

Contaminated Carbon Filters Handling (SW 410) According to DOE – Environmental Quality (Scheduled Waste) Regulations 2005

Team Medical & Scientific Sdn. Bhd. (TMS) commits to meet all environmental rules and regulations in Malaysia.  We strive to protect our environment through sound management practices and decisions. TMS has established and continue improving our implementation of EMT ’s (Environmental Mainstreaming Tools) inline with DOE best practices. Please find out our TMS Environmental Policy.  […]
