FAPAS Proficiency Test of Allergens



The allergens proficiency tests cover a wide range of common allergic ingredients. With the exception of histamine, all the allergens tests require results to be reported according to the ELISA kit used. There is a recognised results-dependency of ELISA kits and assigned values will be specific to the kit used. Some of the proficiency tests are designed for specific allergen protein reporting (such as milk as BLG, for example).

Most of these proficiency tests are semi-blind, i.e. they combine qualitative detection and/or quantitative results reporting. Some tests will only be qualitative if the known detection technology is insufficiently quantitative. Histamine can be reported using test kits or HPLC methods.

How to subscribe

There have varies PT samples (matrix) offering as below:

Nutritional Elements and Contaminants in Processed Food
Product Code: FCXS1-PRO32
Matrix: Processed Food
Analytes: Cross Series


Hazelnut in Chocolate Proficiency Test
Product Code: FCAL8-CON2
Matrix: Chocolate
Analytes: hazelnut, hazelnut protein


Celery & Mustard in Instant Soup Powder Proficiency Test
Product Code: FCAL2-PRO27
Matrix: Instant Soup Powder
Analytes: celery, mustard


Casein & Milk in Infant Breakfast Cereal Proficiency Test
Product Code: FCAL14-INF6
Matrix: Infant Breakfast Cereal
Analytes: milk (casein)


Egg, Gluten & Milk in Cake Mix Proficiency Test
Product Code: FCAL7-PRO10
Matrix: Cake Mix
Analytes: gluten, milk and egg


Gluten in Oat Based Foodstuff Proficiency Test
Product Code: FCAL6-CCP37
Matrix: Oat Based Foodstuff
Analytes: gluten


Histamine in Canned Fish Proficiency Test (Low Levels)
Product Code: FCAL11-SEA7
Matrix: Canned Fish
Analytes: histamine (low level, <50 mg/kg)


Almond in Chocolate Proficiency Test
Product Code: FCAL1-CON2
Matrix: Chocolate
Analytes: almond, almond protein


Soya in Wheat Flour Proficiency Test
Product Code: FCAL17-CCP49
Matrix: Wheat Flour
Analytes: soya, soya protein


Sulphites in Jam Proficiency Test
Product Code: FCAL18-CON7
Matrix: Jam
Analytes: sulphites


Gluten in Beer Proficiency Test
Product Code: FCAL6-DRA1
Matrix: Beer
Analytes: gluten


Histamine in Canned Fish Proficiency Test (High Levels)
Product Code: FCAL10-SEA7
Matrix: Canned Fish
Analytes: histamine (high level >50 mg/kg)


Fish Contamination within Cooked Sauce Proficiency Test
Product Code: FCAL19-CON23
Matrix: Sauce (cooked)
Analytes: Fish (cod)


Nuts in Chocolate Proficiency Test
Product Code: FCAL3-CON2
Matrix: Chocolate
Analytes: contamination (presence/absence) of matrix with one or more from the following list: Almond, Hazelnut, Walnut, Cashew, Pecan nut, Brazil nut, Pistachio nut, Macadamia/Queensland nut, Peanut

FAPAS Allergens Proficiency Test Program


FAPAS Food & Beverage Chemistry Brochure


Instruction to Subscribe FAPAS Proficiency Test
